Our Sensory curriculum supports individual students to be as active as possible in their learning. The curriculum and its delivery is interesting, inspiring, engaging, motivating, relevant and stimulating. We use repetition and consistency of approach to support the children to understand their world engaging all the senses, considering each pupil and their needs. A range of innovative resources are used to engage and motivate. 

  • We listen to our students voices. 
  • We prioritise developing positive. relationships with every student.
  • Every activity is individual to each child, based on an in depth understanding of each and every student and their learning needs.
  • We support students’ communication and self-expression.
  • We help pupils establish positive self-esteem.
  • We offer choice. Students who are curious about the world around them are able to learn. Motivation grows from experiences, from interaction with people and the environment.
  • The opportunity for the unplanned is allowed to happen.